Character Details











Crit. RateCrit. Rate


Crit. DMGCrit. DMG


Energy RegenEnergy Regen


Max StaminaMax Stamina


Max Resonance Energy


Active Skills
Destined Promise

Destined Promise

Basic Attack

Basic Attack Baizhi instructs You'tan to perform up to 4 consecutive attacks, dealing Glacio DMG.
Heavy Attack Baizhi continuously consumes STA to command You'tan to attack enemies, dealing Glacio DMG. During Heavy Attack, Baizhi can command You'tan to move.
Mid-air Attack Baizhi consumes STA and summons You’tan in mid-air to perform a Plunging Attack, dealing Glacio DMG.
Dodge Counter Use Basic Attack after a successful Dodge to attack the target, dealing Glacio DMG.

Emergency Plan

Emergency Plan

Resonance Skill

Baizhi calls You'tan to attack the target, dealing Glacio DMG while immediately healing all characters on nearby teams.

Momentary Union

Momentary Union

Resonance Liberation

Baizhi summons You'tan to heal all characters on nearby teams, generating {0} stacks of Remnant Entities.
Remnant Entities Remnant Entities follow the active team members. {2} stacks of Remnant Entities are automatically consumed to attack the targets every {1}s, dealing Glacio DMG on hit while healing the active character on a nearby team.

Cycle of Life

Cycle of Life

Forte Circuit

You'tan A Remnant Creature that answers to Baizhi’s mind and desires while sharing all her stats. You’tan goes back to Baizhi when Baizhi dodges.
Concentration Baizhi consumes all "Concentrations" when casting Heavy Attack or Resonance Skill Emergency Plan to continuously heal all characters on nearby teams. Each {0} "Concentration" consumed provides 1 healing. The healings happen every {2}s. When Baizhi consumes "Concentration" to cast Heavy Attack, Baizhi additionally restores Concerto Energy and Resonance Energy; When Baizhi consumes "Concentration" to cast Resonance Skill Emergency Plan, Baizhi additionally restores Concerto Energy.
Forte Gauge: Concentration Baizhi can hold up to {3} "Concentrations". Baizhi obtains {4} "Concentration" for every Basic Attack on hit.

Passive Skills
Harmonic Range

Harmonic Range

When Baizhi casts Resonance Skill Emergency Plan, You'tan generates a field of Euphonia that lasts for {0}s.
Euphonia ATK of the Resonators who picks up Euphonia is increased by {1} for {2}s.

Stimulus Feedback

Stimulus Feedback

Baizhi's Heavy Attack on hit heals the character with the lowest HP on a nearby team by {0} of her Max HP.

Skillful Cooking

Skillful Cooking

Has a chance to produce special dishes when cooking

Switch Skills
Overflowing Frost

Overflowing Frost

Intro Skill

Baizhi calls You'tan to perform 1 plunging attack, dealing Glacio DMG while healing all characters on a nearby team.

Rejuvinating Flow

Rejuvinating Flow

Outro Skill

Heal the incoming Resonator by {1} of Baizhi's max HP every {0}s for {2}s. The healed Resonator has their DMG Amplified by {3} for {4}s.

Resonance Chain
Complex Simplicity #undefined

Complex Simplicity

Resonance Skill Emergency Plan additionally restores 2.5 Resonance Energy for every 1 "Concentration" consumed.

Silent Tundra #undefined

Silent Tundra

Resonance Skill Emergency Plan increases Baizhi's Glacio DMG Bonus by 15% and her Healing by 15% if she has 4 "Concentration". These effects last for 12s.

Veritas Lux Mea #undefined

Veritas Lux Mea

Intro Skill Overflowing Frost increases Baizhi's Max HP by 12% for 10s.

Eternal Verity #undefined

Eternal Verity

Upon casting Resonance Liberation Momentary Union, Resonance Liberation Remnant Entities gains the following enhancements: -Remnant Entities can be performed 2 more time(s); -Healing multiplier of Remnant Entities is increased by 20%; -Remnant Entities deals additional Glacio DMG equal to 1.20% of Baizhi's Max HP.

A Wish Answered #undefined

A Wish Answered

If a team member is downed when Baizhi is alive on the team, immediately revive them and restore their HP to 100% of their Max HP. This effect can be triggered once every 10 minute(s).

Seeker's Devotion #undefined

Seeker's Devotion

When Euphonia is picked up, increase the Glacio DMG Bonus of all characters nearby by 12% for 20s.